Welcome to individual-freedom.net... this site is waiting to be constructed... please stand by... please note that there is no promise when I will get this site started...

Who? Why? What? This is gonna be Mario Knezovic's spot on the web about individual freedom for newbies and me, myself and I. Not sure if you found the right Mario Knezovic? If you are looking for the Franciscan priest, I recommend to continue here. If you are looking for the game/multimedia programmer, the guy who created some game soundtracks (pretending to be a musician), the anarchist (scary, uh) or if you are just killing time, you found the right one. Welcome!

I am not very familiar with HTML, that's why this site is so ugly so far. I rather like multimedia and game programming in C++ and assembly programming languages. I am sorry about that.

Probably I will also add a programming corner and explain some secrets how I was able to display nearly 50 16x16 sprites on my current low end machine (Dual 2 GHz-Xeon) in real time (close to 10 frames per second). If you are not the kind of person who is impressed by such boasts, you probably came here to read about freedom. Be assured, 95% of this site will be for you.

You might also read about some of the crap I've done in the past (like this or that). There are tons of sites about the past on the web, so I will not spend too much time on it. I like present and especially the future far more, anyway.

Often I get asked about pictures. So here is one, showing places where I like to spend the millions I'm earning. Here is another one showing me observing Limón REAL from the Caribbean Sea (the other guys on the pic are my wife and some friends).

I promise to make a much bigger effort to create a nice site once I finish the actual content. Even one which is easy to navigate.

Enjoy life! It is short anyway. Don't waste it being your government's slave.

Cheers, Mario.

P.S.: Instead of boring you with more text, I recommend my favorite links for your browsing pleasure while I'm working on this site:

The Philosophy of Liberty ... please spend a few minutes watching this great animation to learn more about my meta philosophy (English, right now I'm helping to create the German and several Balkanic versions)

Freiheitsforum ... the place to discuss freedom related topics with me (German)

eigentümlich frei ... highly recommendable freedom devoted magazine (German)

Limón REAL ... the place I'd like to live. Hasta pronto en Limón. (English)

ISIL Yugoslavia ... strongly recommended if you are from the Balkans (English and several Balkanic languages)

Libertarian International ... Network of liberty-minded individuals and Organizations in Europe. (English)

Tori Amos and Mephisto Walz ... musicians I love

Diablo II ... my favorite computer game

BONESPARK Software Artistic ... the place where my software developer alter ego spends it's time 24/7. Unfortunately the site is, eh, under construction ;-)

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